Saturday, March 19, 2022

Challenge of the Tiger (1982)

Challenge of the Tiger (1982[1])
Chinese Title: 神龍猛探
Translation: Dragon Detective


Starring: Bruce Le, Richard Harrison, Hwang Jang-Lee, Chiang Tao, Pei Ju-Hua, Bolo Yeung Sze, Brad Harris, Dick Randall
Director: Bruce Le
Action Director: Bruce Le

This is one of two globe-hopping kung fu movies that Bruce Le did with schlock producer Dick Randall's (Pieces and Don't Open till Christmas) assistance. The other one was Ninja Strikes Back (1982). This is a James Bondian tale of two CIA agents (Bruce Lee and Marco Polo's Richard Harrison) teaming up to find the formula to a chemical that produces sterility--which was the plot of On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Also trying to get the formula is the Spanish mafia and the Viet Cong, led by Legendary Superkicker Hwang Jang Lee. The chase takes our heroes from Spain to Hong Kong and finally to Macau, where they storm a manufacturing facility staffed by Asian guys in karate gis (sound like any Bruce Lee movie you know?).

More than the fights, most viewers will remember this movie most for the near-pornographic quantity of female flesh on display here. Bruce Le's approach to the material seems to be: "If I can't out-fight the real Bruce Lee, I'll simply out-sleaze him." Most infamous is the scene that introduces Richard Harrison's character: he drives up to his mansion, where the gate is opened by a topless woman. We then cut to him playing tennis...with a pair (or trio) of topless slow motion. Lots of bouncing there. We then cut to his swimming pool, where there are three or four more naked women, swimming, taking showers, sunbathing, or running buck naked into the pool.

The fighting isn't bad by Bruce Le standards. He's fast and agile here, and he does a few decent jumping front kicks. He's outshone by Hwang Jang Lee, who kicks up a storm, albeit without any of his trademark aerial kicks. Hwang does do a nice move where he side kicks his opponent, misses, bends his leg at the knee and back kicks the person. Bolo Yeung also shows up for a couple of scenes. On the stunt casting scene, former peplum actor Brad Harris shows up as a Spanish mob enforcer. He briefly scuffles with Bolo, allowing us to see Hercules vs. the Chinese Hercules. He then squares off with Bruce Le at the end, but loses relatively quickly. This isn't a very *good* movie, but if you like boobs and beatings, this should be your cup of tea.

[1] - The Hong Kong Movie Database and Internet Movie Database list the release year as 1980, but a scene set at  2nd anniversary festivities at the Macau Trotting Club suggest that it was filmed in 1982. Said scene also features unintended cameos from Jane Seymour, Morgan Fairchild, and Jack Klugman.

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